The contents vary slightly from the original starter set, the price is the same.
You get three rule books instead of one. The learn to play book, aka the rule book. The mission guide book, its got 3 missions to help you to get to grips with the game. And finally the rules reference book. You need to know a rule, they're in there, in alphabetically order.
A wad of token sheets.
A few variations from the original box, some tokens are different, others are new, and the asteroids are different shapes.
The T-70 X-wing. I think it looks pretty awesome. It's a slight redesign of the original, it's not just a new colour scheme.
A comparison to the original. The T-70 is a little bulkier, its got more streamlined engines too. It's not just a simple repaint.
TIE/FO Fighter, or the First Order fighter. This isn't just a repaint either. You get two of them.
It's a similar size, but the FO fighter is a little bulkier next to the original, especially around the arms.
The T-70 X-wing stat cards. Again these are a little bit more advanced than the original.
The FO fighter named pilots.
The basic FO fighter pilots. You get 2 of each of these.
The bog standard x wing dice.
New upgrade cards including BB-8.
A new damage deck. I've no idea if it's any different from the original.
And finally the range ruler, for getting your shooting on.