Sunday 14 January 2018

Hobby Resolutions for 2018

I got a nice hobby haul for Christmas. I got some reinforcements for my Death Guard and some more Batman minis.  I also got a set of resin dungeon tiles that are not pictured here, but expect to see them soon.

So what about my hobby resolutions for this year?  If split them into 3 parts; painting, gaming and hobby.  I've done this for easiness sake.  My aim is to use these goals as a check list, and I've tried to keep it manageable, so that I can actually stick to them.  Enough waffle let's get onto the first category; painting.

Painting Resolutions for 2018.

1.  To paint my core set of Mythic Battles Pantheon.  I got Mythic Battles Pantheon a couple of days ago (expect an unboxing) and I really want to paint it. I also really want to play it.

2.  To paint my Return to Hoth expansion for Imperial Assault.  I've had it for a year, it needs paint.

3.  To paint my Death Guard.  In addition to those pictured above I boughs 3 myphitic blight haulers, another plagueburst crawler and a foul blightspawn.  I also want to bring my old plague marines up to the same level.

4.  To finish painting my Walking Dead Stuff.  Shouldn't be too bad.

5.  To paint a minimum of 10 Batman minis.  I've got too many unpainted, I need to rectify that.

6.  To paint 2 units of Romans for my kingdoms of Men army.  I want to get them finished.

Gaming Resolutions for 2018.

1.  To play more games.  In all seriousness my anxiety has been really bad this past year and I've played very few games in 2017.  So I need to try and go to my local gaming club and FLGS more and play something.

2.  Play more Warhammer 40,000.  Since the 8th edition of 40k dropped I've not played a single game.  I need to fix that.  My Death Guard need to hit the table again.

3.  To get my Skype D&D game up and running.  I'm hoping to start this at the end of February.  Don't expect videos, but I might do a recap of each session, we'll see.

4.  To go to Empire.  I've wanted to take up LARP (that's live action role play for the uninitiated) and Empire by Profound Decisions has really caught my eye.  Empire runs 4 times a year.  I'm not going to have my kit in time to got to the first one, and I can't go to the second due to work.  I'm eyeing up Empire 3 as my first foray into the world (I put holidays in for it).  I'm going to join the nation of Dawn.  I really like the Arthurian aesthetic of Dawn.  Expect to see a few logs on my costume progress.

5.  To do a few battle reports.  I might play a few games of Warhammer Quest or Dungeon Saga against my self.

Hobby Resolutions for 2018.

1.  To finish 4 Batman buildings.  I have a lot of painted Batman minis, but the terrain is lacking.   Need to fix this.

2.  Rebase 3 Skaven units for Kings of War.  I want my Rats to take to the field again.

3.  Acquire a folding gaming table.  My dining table is too small.

So these are my hobby resolutions for this year.  What are yours?

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