Saturday 11 June 2016

Batman Miniatures Game Battle Report - Bane vs Teen Titans vs Suicide Squad

Another three way battle report.  This time we've left Gotham and gone to the island of Lian-Yu.  We were playing the Chance Encounter (with an extra turn) mission from the main rule book but using the Lian-Yu rules from the Flash and Green Arrow expansion.  The game was 450 reputation and $1500 funding.

We rolled for fog and didn't get any.

Killer Frost and Starfire fight over an ammo crate while Bane and his boys close in.  Also note the the "loot tree" in the top right corner.
Deadshot is hemmed in by Nightwing, Ravager and Smash.  He then proceeds to put a big hole in Sarfire.
Killerfrost gets murdered.  Deadshot gets double teamed by Nightwing and Ravager. Amanda Waller detonates his cranial bomb.  Red Hood takes up possition, while Copperhead tries to wail on him and fails.
Copperhead gets shot a bit, and flails ineffectually at Red Hood some more.
The titan thug tries to take on Deathstroke who turns round and kicks the shit out of him.  Harley sneaks in through the melee.
Kid Flash grabs some loot and whizzes around the board for the rest of the game.  I hate that wee bastard.
Grundy tries to take on Deathsroke and whiffs his roles. 
Harley steals some ammo.
Dallas denies the objective and Copperhead explodes.

TNT and Smash make sure nobody takes their ammo crate.
Harley isn't taking any of his shit.
Bane chases Red Hood.
This dick hea... I mean Kid Flash hides in the corner.
Nightwing gets creamed.  A Seathstroke detonates.

I forgot to take pictures for the rest of the game.  Not that much happened, the remaining Titans kept running away frrom Banes gang and Harley and Grundy wailed on each other for a bit.

The final result was Bane 65, Teen Titans 45 and Suicide Squad 15.

What I learned from this game was that the Suicide Squad doesn't work very well in multiplayer games, and Copperhead sucks.  The jungle was very fun to play in though.

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