Sunday 21 May 2017

Batman - Scarecrow and Militia

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been busy beavering away on these guys.  Scarecrow and his Militia from Batman Arkham Knight. 

Let's look at Scarecrow first.

This version of Scarecrow, looks so much better than the Arkham Asylum version.  The dirty trench coat makes him look a lot more intimidating.  Given that fear is his whole jam that's a good thing.  He also got a massive upgrade in the Batman Arkham Knight campaign book.  His fear gas laboratory upgrade turns him from a bit mediocre to down right scary.  And he's at reasonably low rep for a leader.

Now for the militia.  I didn't like their red camouflage look from the game... so I changed it.  I tried a grey camo look for them, but it looked shit, so I went with green instead.

Knife guy.  I like to load him up with a titan dose and send him screaming at the enemy.  His main job is hunting henchmen and getting in the way.

Militia Commander.  His job is to advance with the likes of knife guy and buffing their offensive capabilities with his "Kill Them!" rule.  He also has expert marksman so he's quite good at taking pot shots with his gun.  He's also got a smoke grenade to help his boys advance unmolested.

Rocket Man.  His job is to babysit ammo crates and shoot at clumps of enemies and vehicles.  He can't move and fire, so he's best hanging back.  If he can get a good vantage point then he should be a good area denial piece.

Carbine guy.  This guy has a rare role in the game.  He moves and shoots.  Normally when you move and shoot your weapon's burst is reduced to one.  The carbine's burst however is reduced to 3, from 5. He also has the shooter roll, so he's pretty good at shooting people in cover.

Medic.  This guy's job is to follow other characters around and remove damage from them.  He's pretty squish though.  He could maybe hold his own against another henchman, mut a dedicated melee specialist will hurt him bad.

Melee brute.  He's big, he's tough and he's armoured.  The downside is he's slow and easy to hit.  I like to give him the camo vest upgrade to give him stealth.

Gatling brute.  This guy is a bit like the other, except he has a really big gun.  Against low defence character's and vehicles he's going to fuck up their day.  The downside is he's pretty pricey.  And you can't take both brutes unless you take the Arkham Knight.

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