Monday 15 April 2013

Necrothrall an Introduction

Well I guess I should start this thing.  I'm Necrothrall and I am a wargamer.  So if you've come here for for anything else I'm sorry to disappoint you. I've been wargaming for 18ish years now, and quite frankly its my favourite past time.  I love it.  But more on that in a minute. 

 Lets get this question out of the way, why the name Necrothrall?  No I don't like to mess with dead bodies (you were thinking it weren't you?).  In actuallity it cam about from playing diablo 2 on battlenet years ago.  I couldn't think of a decent username so I racked my brains for a good quarter of an hour slowly blundering along this train of thought.  I'm a vampire counts player... hmmm, vampire thrall.... necromancer... I know Vampomancer!  No wait that's a bit shit... what about Necrothrall.  And thats how it came to be and the name just stuck I guess.

So back to wargaming.  What do I play?  Well warhammer, 40k, Malifaux, X-Wing, Bloodbowl, Infinity, the Hobbit and Warhammer Quest.  Now what armies/factions do I play.  For fantasy I play Vampire Counts and Skaven.   For 40k its all things chaos, Spacewolves and Dark Eldar.  For X-Wing and Malifaux I have a bit of everything.  In Bloodbowl I play Skaven.  I play Nomads for Infinity.  And for the Hobbit (previously Lord of the Rings)  its Mordor, and my girlfriend bought me some Rohan, so I'm building a force of them.   Recently I've wanted to get back into Warhammer Quest so expect a few project logs on how that's going.  

What else can you expect?  Well plenty of bad spelling and poor grammar for one (or is that two).  Well I want to do plenty of miniature reveiws and maybe a few battle reports here and there.  I've been told before (by before I mean a lot) that I'm a little weird so expect so mad rantings, musings and tiny bit of insanity.  I'm trying to be restrained since this is my first one.

I'll leave you just now with a picture of my favourite Maliaux mini.  Behold *thuderclap* Teddy