Saturday 29 April 2017

The Walking Dead - The Walkers

I had a lot of fun painting these.  I love painting undead, I'd actually go as far as saying that it's my specialty.  Unlike painting say an army of the buggers, where you have to be quite regimented to give them a unified look, the walkers are just a bunch of dead randoms on the street, so I got to go nuts with the colour.  I even varied up some of the skin tones.  I was uniform with the flesh however.  I gave the flesh the same camo green wash, and I hit all their clothes with an argax earthshade wash to make them look dirty.  And i got to play with the blood effect paint again, that always makes me happy.

Behold my herd

Let's have a closer look

Here is the redneck mullet walkers and the autopsy walkers, they have the Y-incision on their torsos.

Lady walkers in their jammies and some generic male walkers.

Waitress walkers and generic lady walkers.

Old man walker, punk walker, grasping lady walker and walker Reggie.

Lady cop walker, lady walker that's had her face eaten off, hospital gown wearing walker, and Mantic Games C.E.O Ronnie Renton walker.

Gross legless walker, different redneck walker, deadlock walker and estate agent walker.


Friday 28 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Rick and Carl Grimes

I've finished the last of my kickstarter survivors.  Actually these were the first ones I finished, I just decided to show them last. 

Carl Grimes

Here's Carl with his lucky hat.  It can actually save his life.

Rick with his axe.  He's one of the better leaders in the game purely for his flexibility. 

Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Jim and Dale

A couple of more reliable survivors, Jim and Dale.

Jim is good at fixing things, whereas Dale is pretty good at shooting stuff.  These two actually look like they mean business. 

Friday 21 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Abraham

Abraham on the toughest characters in the game.  He's an absolute beast, downside is he's pretty pricey, not as pricey as Negan however.  Fun Abraham fact.  It took me 2 seasons to realise that Michael Cudlitz, who plays him in the tv show, was also Bull from Band of Brothers. 

He's definitely my favorite sculpt out of the kickstarter stuff.  He looks like the bad ass that he is.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Liam, Sandra, Derek and Patrick

Time for more bad guys.

Liam and Sandra

Liam is in the traditional zombie bait pose.  He's a bit pish.  Sandra on the other hand is pretty good.  She's really quick, which is great if you want to grab some loot.

Derek and Patrick

Derek is the leader of this band.  He's a bit of a thug, and that reflects in his leader ability.  He can shoot people in the head to "inspire" the rest of his group.  Patrick is your typical bruiser.  He like hitting things with heavy objects.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Negan

Time for a big bad.  Negan.  Fans of the tv show or comics will instantly recognise that name. 

I've been debating whether or not I should bloody up Lucille.  I've decide against it for now, mainly because the pose he's in.  It looks like he hasn't used her yet.  Negan unsurprisingly is one of the hardest characters in the game... also one of the most brutal.

Monday 17 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Reggie and Craig

Now for some bad guys.

Reggie is the one with the shotgun.  I believe he's the one who shoots Rick at the start.  There's a walker version of him to come.  I'm not sure who the hell Craig is.  But I'm sure he's a bad dude.

Sunday 16 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Shane and Walker Shane

It's time for a good guy turned bad guy in the form of Shane.

I quite like the walker version, mainly because I got to play with my blood effect again.  In game Shane is pretty solid, last time I used him I blew Rick's head off from half the table away with a shotgun.

Saturday 15 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Donna and Allen

I seem to be getting the girls out of the way first, more by accident than design.  This time it's Donna and her husband Allen.

Judging from her pose you'd think that Donna would fit into the fodder category, and you'd be right.  Like Lori she's a bit pish.  However when coupled with Allen she becomes quite useful.  If she dies he goes berserk.  Allen by contrast to his wife has a pose of sheer grim resolve.  He's also little better at killing walkers.

Friday 14 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Carol, Sophia and Lori

Time for the next batch of survivors.


I like the pose on Carol, she's got her arm out to protect her daughter.


Sophia again is the most 3-d of the group and thus gets more pictures.  She's also got little cat ears on her hood.

Lori Grimes

I've done Lori in neutral colours (aside from her jeans).  This is mainly because I've discovered that models in very neutral colours get ignored.  Everyone used to ignore my ghouls back in my Warhammer Fantasy days... because they were beige.  Why do I want Lori to be ignored?  Because she's a bit pish in the game.  Even though she's a bit pish, she's more value to me alive.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

The Walking Dead - Andrea, Amy and Michonne

I'm trying to get my Walking Dead All Out War kickstarter stuff painted before wave 2 drops in May.  So here's the first lot.


Andrea is the most 3-dimensional of the trio, hence why she gets the most pictures.  She was also the hardest to paint.  Getting at the right side of her faces was quite difficult given the position of  her arms.


Andrea's little sister Amy.  I think she's got a studenty look about her.


I figured Michonne suits purple, hence why she's wearing it.