Saturday 19 July 2014

Zulus! Thousands of them.

Well I've now completed just over a third of the Zulus I need.  Took me a while.
my second unit of unmarried Zulus.
my second unit of married Zulus

and my third unit of married Zulus.
the whole bunch with an over saturation of light

Given that I've been painying a whole load of Zulus lately its quite understandable that I've been getting bored of them.  So to take a wee break from them I've started painting Rorke's Drift itsself.  Here's a work in progress
The roof needs a few more coats to cover the last of the white, unfortunately I've ran out of the colour I was using.  I also paint all the wood, another third of the bricks and maybe darken the bricks too.  I figure that the buildings might work quite nicely on a Malifaux board.

I've also painted some bolter fodder for my Chaos Marines.

I've ordered myself the Stormclaw box set and will be trading the Orks for more Spacewolves with a friend.  So over the next few weeks I'll be painting Spacewolves.  I might even try and get the army finished.  However until that happens I'll just paint more random minis I find on my desk.

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