Saturday 29 April 2017

The Walking Dead - The Walkers

I had a lot of fun painting these.  I love painting undead, I'd actually go as far as saying that it's my specialty.  Unlike painting say an army of the buggers, where you have to be quite regimented to give them a unified look, the walkers are just a bunch of dead randoms on the street, so I got to go nuts with the colour.  I even varied up some of the skin tones.  I was uniform with the flesh however.  I gave the flesh the same camo green wash, and I hit all their clothes with an argax earthshade wash to make them look dirty.  And i got to play with the blood effect paint again, that always makes me happy.

Behold my herd

Let's have a closer look

Here is the redneck mullet walkers and the autopsy walkers, they have the Y-incision on their torsos.

Lady walkers in their jammies and some generic male walkers.

Waitress walkers and generic lady walkers.

Old man walker, punk walker, grasping lady walker and walker Reggie.

Lady cop walker, lady walker that's had her face eaten off, hospital gown wearing walker, and Mantic Games C.E.O Ronnie Renton walker.

Gross legless walker, different redneck walker, deadlock walker and estate agent walker.


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