Thursday 30 January 2014


Well after a very crappy couple of weeks (my car's engine died and need replaced) I'm back and I've been painting up a storm

First thing's first is The Hero's of Rourke's Drift set from Warlord Games.  My mum bought these for my dad's birthday and got me to paint them.  I have a set of my own that I bought along with Warlord's Rourke's Drift set a couple of years ago that I've never got around to painting but I had so much fun painting these that I've set myself a challenge.  To finish painting all my Anglo-Zulu war stuff by the end of the year.  For those of you familiar with the film Zulu (I watch it several times each year) you will recognize these four.  Starting on the left we have colour sergeant Bourne (Nigel Green), private Henry Hook (James Booth), Lieutenant John Chard (Stanley Baker) and Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead (Michael Caine).

And back to my dungeon delving usual
some more old school night goblin netter clubbers
some plastic grave guard.  These will serve a dual purpose, wights for warhammer quest and grave guard for my vampire counts army.
and some plague censer bearers.  Again these will serve a dual purpose of being both adventurer fodder and elite (if you can call any Skaven elite) troops in my Skaven army.

I've also taken on a painting commission for my cousin. 
I'm painting all his space hulk genestealers.  Here's the first four.  I think they've turned up quite nicely.

I'm going to get onto the next batch of genestealers so until next time happy wargaming.

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