Thursday 5 May 2016

BMG Battle Report: Scarecrow vs Bane vs Cyborg

Yesterday I played a 350 rep triple threat game of the Batman Miniature's Game.  We played scenario one, a chance encounter, and modified it for an extra turn for a total of nine.  We picked a chance encounter because it's the most fair for a multiplayer game. During a chance encounter no models are deployed on the board at the start of the game, they instead move on from a random table edge, which means no one is stuck in the middle fighting a war on two fronts.  We're all using new models so none of them are painted.

Let's look at the board

We decided on a dockland layout with the ship counting as an entire table edge.

Lets look at some highlights.

Smash sneaks up on Cyborg but gets affected by Scarecrow's fear gas, and gets horrendously screwed up.  Smash ducked down that manhole he's standing up on his next turn to escape.

My militia armed with a carbine and a RPG take up sniping positions on the roof.

The knife militia gets stalked by McGreggor, a titan thug and AC Scarecrow.  Meanwhile Catman get's the fuck out of dodge.

A badly shot up Cyborg flies up to the roof only to catch a rocket with his face.  BOOM! HE DEAD!

Bravo sneaks up on Bane and fires his shotgun... and misses.  Bane does not like this and spends the rest of the game trying to beat him to death.

A scrum starts on the ship

Things change once Deathstroke gets stuck in.

Catman murders my militiaman and Deathstroke does some tactical maneuvering.

Things start to get busy in among the cluster-fuck of objectives.

BANG! Dallas guns down Hawkgirl before going to turn the batsignal off.

Scarecrow steals the loot, while Bane's mercenaries run to the ammo crates.  Scarecrow then lets off his fear gas.

Things are hotting up on the ship.  Deathstroke carves the titan thug into tiny bits with his katana.  Catman thinks better of taking on Deathstroke and jumps off the boat.

Scarecrow decides he doesn't like bullets or hammers and legs it.

Catman eyes up his next target as does Deathstroke.

This game can be summed up in two words.  Brutal and mental.  The game was absolute chaos and extremely fun.  Bane won the game with 24 victory points, with Scarecrow coming in second with 23 and Cyborg coming in last with 20.  All in all a very close fought game.

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