Tuesday 20 September 2016

Cryx Battle Box painted

I'm flying through my mound of primed miniatures right now.  This time it's the Cryx battle group that I unboxed a wee while ago.

I've gone with dirty green grey armour and lots of rust.  I've also done the necrotite glow from inside the jacks blue.  I did this for two reasons.  The first is the usual green glow wouldn't stand out enough from the green armour, secondly everyone does their necrotite green and it's boring.  I still need to paint the front and rear arcs on the bases, I'm pretty sure I saw a set of widgets for marking the arcs somewhere on the interweb.

Let's look at a Bane Witch Agathea first

I've done her armour and weapons the same as the rest.  She's undead she wont care about the condition of her weapons.  I've done her skin really pale.  I've also done here ghost dress in my usual ethereal paint scheme.

Now the Slayer

Big and scary looking.  I like slayers.  They're cheap, they're menacing and they're pretty relabel.

Now the Deathripper

I love "bone chickens".  The look a bit like the things from Tremors 2.  I love they way the look, they're really cheap too, they're fast and most importantly they have arc nodes, so I can use my dirty bastard Cryx powers while hiding.

And finally the Reaper

He's going whaling.  And by whaling I mean he's going to shoot something with his harpoon, reel it in, and beat it to death with that big spike.  He's a bit more tricksy than the slayer, but hits harder.

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