Friday 4 October 2019

Trees and Elven Rune Stones

I've had this lot sitting about for a while now, so I decided it was time to get them finished.

The trees are from 4ground.  I mixed up a texture paint for the soil then flocked them with Geek Gaming's foam flocks.  I'll go into more detail at the end.

The oak tree

The mature oak is a really big tree.

Silver Birches

The birches are tall, but also really spindly.  I'm not sure I like them as much as the oak.
I've deliberately not glued the bases that the trees are attached to into their larger bases.  This means I can change up what's on the bases and remove the trees if a unit moves into the woods.

Elf Rune Stones
I made this as a primitive totem for my wife's Lord's of the Wild SAGA! army.  The stones are from Ainsty Castings.  The base is an old warhammer movement tray that I carved up. 

Time for the flocking tutorial.

1. Mix up a basing material for your earth.  I made mine from polyfiller, brown paint and sand.  Apply it and leave it do dry.

2. Cover the entire base in PVA glue.

3. Sprinkle your dark tone foam flock where you want your shading.

4. Cover the rest in mid tone foam flock.  By cover I mean heavily sprinkle it.

5. While stages 3 and 4 are still wet apply a light drizzling of Isopropanol (IPA).  This acts as a flow improver for the next step.

6. Drizzle (or mist on if you have a spray bottle) a mix of PVA and water.  Mix it so that it's quite viscus. 

7. While that is still wet, sprinkle your light tone foam flock where you want it.

8. Add more PVA/water mix over the highlight.

9. Sprinkle on some mixed herbs to act as leaf litter.  This also makes it smell nice.

10. Wait for the whole thing to dry.  If your house is anything like mine, then it can take a day or two.  Once it's dry it will be hard, the foam absorbs the glue.

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