Friday 18 October 2013

I need a hero

Welcome back to the Halls of the Damned.  As the title might imply I've been painting heroes of late.  And they see to all follow the same view point of armour if is for pussies. So without further a do on to the heroes.
First up is the wardancer.  This is an original GW Warhammer Quest wardancer.  I picked him up from ebay surprisingly cheaply.  I have to say I've always liked this miniature and when I think of wardancers my mind automatically goes to this guy, which is quite weird  considering he's not posed in any way to suggest that he dances.  I've done him up in old school would elf colours, green and yellow.
Another old school miniature.  Here is a Warhammer Quest pit fighter.  A very brutal looking chap.  I painted him to be quite spartan, very little bright colours.  He's a fighter, raised in the arena, finery isn't something that he should really concern himself with.  I really enjoyed painting both of these figures.  The next one not so much.

The last of this installments adventurers is an amazon serpent priestess from Games Workshop's Mordheim range.  I believe this miniature, like most of the specialist games miniatures, is now out of production.  I love model, but hated painting her.  I went for a jaguar hide cloak and red feathers (there's a bald parrot out there somewhere).  I think she turned out ok.

Now how about some bad guys?
Here we have the wight brothers... ha ha I'm hilarious.  But seriously they are wights.  The two on the outside are old school gw wights and the one in the middle is a plastic grave guard.  I painted them up to match my vampire counts army and I think they're looking al-wight...
This in old gw night goblin shaman.  Not much to say about him really.  Bizarrely the only greenskins my party have encountered have been snotlings.
Finally we have a tomb king.  A formidable opponent indeed.  I've done his dessicated carcass in a dark grey like real life mummies.  I can't wait for the party to stumble into this guy.

I've got a couple of mummies in a vat of fairy power spray, should get the paint stripped off them in the next couple of days.  I've also got some plague censer bearers that are needing painted.  And I've got a Lahmian vampire on the painting block.  Well that's it from me, until next time happy wargaming.

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