Wednesday 10 December 2014

Operation Endtime no9 Hexwraiths

This week I've been painting more wraiths, except this time they're on horses... ghostly horses.  They are the hexwraiths.  I think the hexwraith miniatures look awesome.

I've gone for the same look as the Mantic wraiths.  I was worried that the caparisons wouldn't come out too well due to all the flat areas where the green was might have dried all splotchy.  They came out fine so there wasn't any need to worry.

Tactics wise I'm not sure on  how to use these effectively.  They're ethereal and therefore hard to kill, but also undead so the die from combat resolution.  They're not great in a fight, are quite expensive points wise and have no command so they wont be winning too many combats against enemy infantry.  They can move through enemy units and damage them that way, but due to their limited number the damage will be minimal.  The best use I can think of for them is to hold up any monsters rampaging their way down the flank, or possibly running along the length of a night goblin battleline to make them discharge their fanatics and thus hopefully impeding their advance.

That's it for this installment, next time vargheists.

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