Friday 24 July 2015

Warhammer Quest: The Deathking

The Greenshields were a mercenary regiment that was tasked too guard Blackfire Pass from greenskins.  Unfortunately for them they were all but wiped out.  The remnants of which are now wandering the Border Princes looking for work.  These adventurers are the heroes of this tale. We have Rolf Gunderson the Norscan barbarian, Snorri Whitebeard the dwarf (no relation to the legendary white dwarf, although he does look like him), Ithalaen the elf, and Milia Sharif the Wizard.

Our merry band, well most of them are merry, Snorri is a grumpy bastard, was recruited by a local lord to take the Deathking's sword to his tomb and slay the draugr once and for all.  This is where we pick up the tale.  Let us enter the tomb of the Deathking.

After several boring empty corridors, our heroes came across a pair of hobgoblins.  These mighty monsters (sarcasm alert) were no match for Rolf's axe and Ithalaen's bow.  Or to put it another way they hobgoblins were playing dice before they were set upon by a multi-cultured mob of racists.

The next room was a guard room.  All guardrooms in the dungeons of the Warhammer world have a checkerboard floor.  And guarding this guard room were Skaven, eight of them to be exact.

 After one round of combat Snorri had destroyed four of them in one mighty blow.  Rolf killed a few, and Ithalaen and Milia killed the last two.  Skaven are pussies.

Hopping through the door into the next room our heroes encountered some orcs, which were promptly frozen solid by Milia.

 And onwards up the stairs.

Oh no! A chaos dwarf ambush.
After a long grueling battle the heroes finally got the upper hand.

 Now for some winding, empty, boring corridors.  Enough of them that Milia managed to heal the party up to full health.
 At the end of this tunnel was the Deathking's Tomb.  And guarding it was a brace of badly painted minotaurs (it wasn't me I got them in the game). 
 Two rounds later Rolf dispatched his opponent.  Now it's Ithalaen's turn.
"You just got elfed!"

Having killed the guards all that was left was to dispatch the Deathking himself.  A dice was rolled for each warrior, if the total was greater than 13 they would over come the Deathking's mind controlling magic.  If they failed they would become his slaves.
Well he's fucked.

Rolf plunged the tip of Deathking's sword down through the draugr's rotten heart with such force that he nailed it's corpse the the stone sarcophagus.  Lying next to the Deathking was a blade that gave of a fiery heat.  It was none other than the Hellfire Sword.  The party decided that none of them were suicidal enough to use such a destructive weapon, so the pawned it and kept the profits. 

Having raked in considerable coin Ithalaen hit the training fields, ranking up to be slightly more badass than everyone else.  The others just lounged about in the hamlet tending to their wounds.  One their final day in the village they heard rumours of strange lights coming from a nearby deserted manse, and set off to investigate.  But that is another tale.

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