Monday 2 April 2018

Painting Mythic Battle Pantheon part 3

Well I made the most of my Easter Monday off, I managed to finish my next lot (minus the bases).

This time it's a bunch of nasty stuff straight out of the Underworld.

Hell Hound

I wasn't a fan of painting these, luckily they didn't take long.

Hell Warrior

 Not bad to paint, but the head gear was a pain in the arse.  I've tried to make both the warriors and the hounds look dead and very dilapidated.


Here's Hades' dog Spot, or Cerberus as he's also known.  I basically drybushed him with various browns and picked out the details.


I missed a mould line on one of it's heads... grr.  I mostly drybrushed this beasty too.  With both Cerberus and hydra I would have preferred it if they were detachable from their bases.  It's going to be a bitch to paint underneath them.


There was a mould line on his left hand that I couldn't get rid of, which was annoy to say the least.  I've gone for a light and dark contrast with Hades.  He's the King of the Underworld, so I wanted him to be dark, but I didn't want him too dark.  So I painted his skin really pale.  My camera didn't pick out the highlights on his robes that well, but they're there, you'll just have to trust me on that.

My next installment of Mythic Battles will be the last of the core box.

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