Thursday 13 August 2015

Warhammer Quest; Daemon Summoning

When we last left our adventurers they had just accepted a quest to investigate some strange lights coming from a nearby abandoned manse. 

Having traveled for most of the day our intrepid band of heroes arrived at the gates of Vretund Hall just as the sun was beginning to set.  The rumours of mysterious lights proved true.  The windows of the manse were glowing a baleful green.

"The winds of magic are flowing here like a river." Said Milia  "I believe someone is attempting to summon a daemon of immense power."

"Well we cannae let them dae that, eh lass." grunted Snorri "Right lads! We'd better stop these bastards before they can hurt onybody!"

Onwards to glory.

Our heroes come across the first batch of guards.  A horrifying horde of snotlings.  Guess what happens?  Yup, they get wiped out in one round.

Our heroes bust into the next room.  Unfortunately the floor was littered with scorpions.  So they start stamping on them.  The were so busy killing the scorpions that they didn't notice the goblins lining the room.  And they were none to please that a bunch of "do gooders" busted up their scorpion race.  The shaman called upon his god, Mork (or possibly Gork), for aid, thus creating a magical blast wave that knocked the party on its collective arse. 
A few goblins met their end in retaliation.

The goblin shaman calls down the foot of Gork (or possibly Mork) and squashes Snorri into dwarf jam.  He is now drinking with his ancestors in Grimnir's Halls.

"HEY! GOBLIN SHAMAN!" *sound of an arrow loosing* "You just got elfed!"

And in the next room...
More goblins.  A whole four of them.  They didn't last long.

A few empty corridors later and we find the culprits.  A horde of loathsome Skaven.

A handful of stormvermin lead the verminous horde.
Our heroes carve their way through the Skaven.

After a long and bloody battle our heroes prove victorious, and disrupt the summoning ritual.  They would receive a hefty reward once the got back to town.  But first they would raise a mug of Bugman's to Snorri's memory.

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