Thursday 30 October 2014

Operation Endtimes no4 well ahead of schedule

Out of this weeks goal I've completed two thirds of it already.  Looks like I'll be updating this series as and when I finish something.  I've done a lich priest and a vampire for my Undead Legion army.
First up the Liche Priest

This is not only a classic model he's also a collectors piece. This is the original Arkhan the Black (missing his chariot of course, it got horribly mangled during postage when I bought it, don't worry I have a spare).  In my army he is just a liche priest.  I've decided that the tomb kings stuff in my army will be turquoise in some fashion.  I think I spent more time figuring out what colours the head of his staff should be.  I noticed that it had the symbols of each of the eight winds of magic so I painted each prong accordingly.

Now the vampire.

This is Isabella VonCarstein.  Unfortunately she isn't in the Undead Legions list having been destroyed centuries ago, so she is now relegated to being another vampire.  I went with the red that I use on most of my vampire counts minis.  I decide that the roses on her dress and in her hair (not as noticeable up there) would be black, picked from the gardens of Morr, the only places where black roses grow.  I like this model, except for the fact that it's finecast (rages).  She snapped off her base tab meaning I had to attach her with a bit of wire.

In the next installment Krell and some ghouls.

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