Monday 5 March 2018

Death Guard - Typhus, Herald of Nurgle

I finally got my Typhus, and I've painted him already.  As you may know I hate the plastic Typhus mini that GW brought out.  It looks like he's shooing kids out of his swamp.  I was just going to use my old metal one, that was when Grimskull Studio (distributed by Wargame Exclusive) brought out this bad boy.

He looks a lot more menacing than the GW one.  I believe the actual mini is called the chaos hive bringer.  He comes with optional weapons in the form of a pair of sickles.   The scythe is cooler and more menacing.

here's a size comparison that someone requested


  1. hey don't suppose you could do a size comparison between him and a dark imperium plague marine/a space marine terminator? i've been looking into getting this model but as unsure if it would be bigger/smaller than those models and look a bit out of place. cheers

    1. I've updated the post with a size comparison. I couldn't figure out how to put an image in the comments
