Sunday 30 June 2019

A pile of minis for RPGs

Here's a bunch more Reaper Bones minis I've had lying about for a while in a state of half paintedness.  It's been a productive morning.

Let's start with the bugbears.

ah bugbears, the most brutal of the goblinoids.  They're big, bad and brutal, so I've done them earthy again.  I've given them redy brown skin, to make them stand out from my green goblins, I mean I didn't need to do that, they already stand out because they're pretty damn beefy.  also I didn't rust them up, they probably bully goblins into cleaning their stuff.

Drow Cleric
This lady has been sitting on my desk half painted for almost a year.  I had no idea as to how I was going to paint her.  Pro painting tip, don't overthink it, just do the thing.  I went with green to brighten her up, her skin and armour are pretty dark, so I wanted a bit of contrast other than her hair.  This lady is probably an evil cleric.  How do I know this? She's a Drow (racial profiling) and has a spider on her shield, by adding these two facts together she's probably a cleric of Lolth therefore we can conclude that she's an evil bitch that eats babies.

This mini is another example of the bones range's soft details.  Always the face... why is that?  She could pass as a human, an elf or a half-elf.  I've done her in a standard paladin look, lots of blue, lots of silver.  I'd go so far as to say that this lady does not eat babies... but you can't judge a book by its cover.

Elf Blacksmith
My favourite of the bunch.  She could be an npc... but that would be boring.  I'm toying with the idea of using her as cleric that casts spells by striking her anvil.  the anvil is magic and follows her around.  If your wondering why she has a bronze sword, that's because she doesn't have a forge.  Bronze is a cold hammer metal, basically it gets strong when you hammer it when it's cold, to a point anyway.  It can be over hammered at which point it becomes brittle.

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