Friday 13 February 2015

Undead Legionnaires

I finally got around to painting some of my Warzone miniatures.  I used to play Warzone back in the 90's, and played Dark Legion.  I've misplaced most of my old stuff, but downloaded the old rules a few years back with the idea of rebuilding my forces with conversions.  However the Warzone Resurection kickstarter saved me a lot of bother.  Now I still play the Dark Legion, only now with some nice new rules and minis.

Here's some undead legionnaires
 I've gone with black armour as a uniform look.  I wanted them to look like corpses that have been picked up, dusted off, shoved down a production line and tossed back onto the battlefield.  The next five that I do will have different coloured boots and trousers.  I've based them (yes I based something  I'm amazed too) to look like they're on Mars.  I still need to seal the bases, and I better remember to do it.  Turns out the material I used is made from tree nut by-products and I don't want to kill any of my opponents... that would be bad.

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